You know that you are supposed to turn a spray paint can up-side-down to clear the paint out of the nozzle before storing it. That works fine if you use it just a few times, but if you use it frequently for very small paint jobs, some people are worried about running out of gas before you run ou...
"I have a painting problem: All the walls and ceilings in my apartment have been painted using a sponge technique. The paint itself is a latex flat base to which powdered pigments were added along with a small amount of an abrasive material to give the walls an "adobe" look.I now wish to repaint...
I have a copy of your Fine Tuning Your Radial Arm Saw , am interested in the article on page 52 relating to planning the table flat, but I can't seem to find anyone that knows where to obtain the rigid sanding disk that is shown in figure 3-46. I hope you might know where to obtain one. - Willia...
We would like to think that roofing systems today are well thought out, easy to assemble and trouble free. And then there is the real world. We went to the manufacturers of roofing systems and roofing components to get a handle on what are some of the real world field problems that shouldn't be...
Cut a clothes hanger open and then bend the cut ends into hooks. Now you can put both rollers and brushes on and hang them up to dry. Folding a clean, but moist brush, in newspaper keeps the bristles straight while it dries.
You have the choice of working harder before you paint to mask off the glass, or working harder after you paint to clean off the glass.Most of us will use masking tape. Be aware that there are different grades of glue on masking tapes.The Painter's tape has a lower tack, it sticks less, which co...
The first step is to try to determine what the stuff is that you want to strip: oil paint, latex paint, varnish, lacquer?.Then decide if you can work on all the surfaces horizontally, or if you will have to work on some vertically.Now start reading the labels of all the different strippers on the...
You may have seen pebble stone-like floor decorations in some commercial entrance ways. It is made by collecting various textured and coloured, pebble-size stones, from quarries throughout the US and Canada, mixing them with an epoxy binder and laying them out in a continuous or an artistic mosa...
Most paint removal or building cleaning is either done with harsh solvents or harsh blasted granules like sand. The solvents are not good for the environment, and the sand can remove important outer layers on materials like brick.We visited a cleaning/stripping company in Toronto, Ontario called...
Seasonal tips for working with masonry.SUMMER Summer Moisture Content:If too much water is drawn out of the mortar before it sets, the bond joint will not be good.Most clay bricks, calcite bricks and stone do not require pre-wetting because of minimum absorption. However in extremely hot weat...