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Found 22 results for the keyword(s) ‘Epoxy’

  • Article

    Rotting Wood on a Window

    Wooden window sashes tend to rot. There are special hardening and filler materials that can do a good job of restoring this wood without having to replace it -- also good for the bottom of door frames. A wood hardener is the starting point, to solidify existing soft wood and prepare the area for...
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    Solidifying rotting wood in a log cabin with Epoxy.

      Wood Restoration is the process of using a very liquid penetrating epoxy mix to saturate wood, strengthening the fibers at the same time killing fungi.  This is not an epoxy adhesive, but a penetrating liquid that changes the structure of wood.  Then a thick putty like epoxy is used to fill in...
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    Replacing a rotting door sill.

    Jack wants to know just how a door frame is made, so that he can take his apart. The sill is rotten. Usually, but not always, the sill goes right under the vertical framing. Sometimes the vertical piece is notched into the sill. In either case, you have to either cut out all the rotten wood, or ...
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    Underwater Epoxy

    OK, here's an endorsement for an incredible product, and they don't even give me free glue! They sometimes call it Wet-Bond and sometimes Underwater Glue but it all comes from a company called Mr. Sticky -- Actually the whole range of Mr. Sticky adhesives are two part epoxies....
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    Plastic repair and replacement -- Three good products

      MOLDABLE PLASTIC -- RESUABLE Utile Plast is a great British product that I stumbled upon -- plastic granules that you put into very hot water - they soften - then you mold them into anything you want. You can shove the soft plastic into a nut and when cool you have a plastic bolt -- or form t...
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    Epoxy wrap for a leaking pipe - Pow-R-Wrap!

    A viewer from Aurora, Ontario has a small pin hole leak in a copper pipe in the wall and wants to know if there is any way to fix it without having to tear the whole wall open and replace the pipe. There exists an epoxy wrap called "Pow-R-Wrap". You simply turn off the water to relieve the press...
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    Jon Eakes & the Singing Nuns of St. Michael's Convent

      THE DEAL I made a deal with the singing nuns of St. Michaels convent in Spokane Washington : If they would teach me how to sing, I would teach them how to repair their convent. My only dissapointment in this large project with HGTV Canada was that they never promoted the show well and the...
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    Weather Restrictions: Epoxy -- "Wet-Bond"

    Connect to your favourite weather forecaster and look for the following conditions:   Category: Adhesives     Product: Epoxy - Wet-Bond Temperature Limitations: Above +10 C (+50 F) -- although a special product called "Cold-Bond" will work at -6 C (+21 F) Rain Limitations: Can be applied in r...
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    Tips for working with Epoxy Tile Grout

    Epoxy is the most water resistant of all grouts and is probably one of the most durable, making it a good grout for a ceramic tile kitchen counter top where you will be scrubbing it clean all the time. But there are some tips for working with it. It comes as a kit with three pouches: the A and B...
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    How can I prevent my tile grout from cracking?

    Barry from Calgary, Alberta writes: "I have a problem with cracking grout on an aboveground installation. I suspect the cause is excessive deflection of the floor joists. I'm wondering if there's any additive that can be added to the grout that will prevent this from happening again when I re-gro...