for Cold Climate Housing and much more

Last Updated: , Created: Friday, January 14th, 2022

Zoom Consultation - Matching raised floor levels

Video conferencing, like Zoom, is known for head-to-head talks, but it is also a dynamic tool for interactive inspections, remote on-site consultations, and remote on-site teaching.    In 2016 I tried to start a Zoom interactive webinar but back then, not many people were comfortable with video conferencing; we were too far ahead of the times. Now, thanks to the pandemic, everyone is plugged into one video conferencing medium or another.  Today I do most of my trouble shooting home inspections by Zoom and am beginning to do beginner apprentice or teaching sessions as well. Follow this link to get details on setting up a Zoom interactive session with me.

The following video is a complete excerpt from that Webinar series on a problem of matching floor heights in a major renovation.    Follow this link to see a montage of 5 different Zoom inter-active consultations. 

Zoom Inspection - Matching raised floor levels

Planning ahead is important in major renovations and floors need to be considered in a whole house context, not one room at a time.  Each room can have its own flooring details, but you need as seamless a transition between rooms as possible. 

As I look back at this video visit, I want to add that I would make up a test piece of the tiled room floor assembly to be certain of the final thickness of the floor after all the thinset is placed below and above the uncoupling membrane.  If it comes up higher than the planning you see here, you can easily compensate by putting underlayments below the hardwood floor finish in the adjoining section.  That suggests of course that you should finish the tile floor first, and then shim up the wooden floor to match.  You may only need a 1/16 of an inch, but the end result will be a seamless transition from the tiles to the wood. 

You Can Do It

Remember that this homeowner is a fine handywoman but not a professional tradesperson, and not a camera professional either.  Sometimes in video conferences we discuss if the homeowner has the skills necessary to do a good job, or who they should hire to do portions if not all of the job. Knowing, discovering or increasing your abilities as well as understanding your limitations is essential to a successful job. 

Yes, you can do this as easily as recording your grand kids dancing.  Today we all have this technology, let’s use it in a way we have never done before.

Enjoy the show.

Keywords: Hardwood, Floors, Tiles, Renovation, Apprentice, Levels, Courses, Video - Included, Planning, House, Inspection, Teaching, Video Conference, Video Consultation, Zoom

Article 2323