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Found 7 results for the keyword ‘Grinder’

    Oscillating Tools


  • Radial Arm Saw Sanding Disk

    I have a copy of your Fine Tuning Your Radial Arm Saw , am interested in the article on page 52 relating to planning the table flat, but I can't seem to find anyone that knows where to obtain the rigid sanding disk that is shown in figure 3-46. I hope you might know where to obtain one. - Willia...
  • An oscillating miracle tool: The FEIN MultiMaster.

    In this segment of my TV show I had a chance to show off what is probably my favourite new tool -- yes I really recommend this thing. It does not spin, it does not hammer and it does not move in orbits. It simply obsoletes left and right a very small amount. The secret is in the great variety...
  • Are rotary tools really that useful?

    You see a lot of TV advertising these days for what is called a rotary tool, this is like a small drill that takes all kinds of different bits with small 1/8th inch shanks.Very similar machines are made by Dremmel, Sears and Black & Decker. Are they really worthwhile.Yes.The key is the wide ...
  • Dressing your tools for safety.

    I received a letter from an astute viewer who noticed a mushroom head on a chisel while we were watching the "restoration" of an old brick building. He told the story of someone he knew who almost lost an eye because of a piece of metal flying off the butt of a mushroomed chisel, and rightly chi...
  • Oscillating Tools


    Oscillating Tools

    Oscillating Tools